Obesity is the most common preventable cause of death after smoking. As a general definition, it can be defined as having more than normal body fat ratio.
Morbid obesity, on the other hand, is a real disease rather than an aesthetic one, and it has many co-morbidities. Many diseases such as cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, polycystic ovary syndromes, sleep apnea, various musculoskeletal disorders may accompany the picture in individuals with this condition. Apart from these, the decrease in the competence of the individual, social exclusion and self-esteem problems also negatively affect the quality of life.
Although the ideal approach is to solve the problem of obesity before it reaches the level of morbid obesity by applying diet, exercise and lifestyle changes in a disciplined manner, the probability of losing and maintaining weight with diet alone is 3%, even in young adults with BMI>35. There is a problem in maintaining this condition rather than losing weight. In this case, bariatric surgical interventions have come to the fore more. Currently, the only operations that provide acceptable permanent weight loss are surgical operations.
Long-term studies confirm that bariatric operations cause long-term weight loss, changes in the metabolic consequences of morbid obesity, and a significant reduction in overall mortality from diabetes, cardiovascular complications, and cancer.
Who is a suitable candidate for obesity and metabolic surgery?
Calculated as BMI (body mass index)=Weight/Height2:
• BMI = 40kg/m2
• BMI = 35kg/m2 and comorbidity
• Patients for whom all non-surgical methods fail
• Obesity cases not due to endocrine cause
• Obesity existing for more than 5 years
• Acceptable risk/benefit ratio of the operation
• Patients without substance abuse, including smoking
• Psychologically stable patient
• People who have a realistic view of lifestyle changes
What are the methods that can be applied for morbid obesity?
• Sleeve Gastrectomy (Tubular Stomach)
• Gastric Bypass (Roux en Y Gastric Bypass, Duodenal Switch)
• Revisional Bariatric Surgery
• Gastric Balloon
• Stomach Botox