What is Gastric Sleeve Surgery?
What is Gastric Sleeve Surgery?
Sleeve Gastrectomy surgery is the surgical process of turning the stomach, which is in the form of a large pouch, into a tube (pipe). It is one of the most frequently performed operations in obesity surgery in the world.
The ideal candidates are patients with morbid obesity, without sugar addiction or esophageal reflux problems.
In laparoscopic surgery, a large part of the stomach (about 80%) is irreversibly removed with the help of special devices and the stomach is turned into a tube.
The stomach, whose volume becomes very small in this way, limits the patient's food intake, but the only effect of sleeve gastrectomy surgery is not to reduce the volume of the stomach. At the same time, the feeling of hunger decreases with hormonal effects, the appetite mechanism is suppressed, and early satiety occurs with the help of tension sensors that send satiety warnings to the brain.
As a result, individuals lose most of their excess body weight after the operation and a significant improvement occurs in many co-morbidities, including diabetes and hypertension.
Rarely, sleeve gastrectomy surgery can be used as a transition surgery or as a part of more complex surgeries in patients with severe obesity.
It is a very safe operation with current developments. Despite the usual risk in the patient group, mortality rates are much lower than 1% in experienced hands.
Patients should be followed up for some element and mineral deficiencies such as iron, folic acid, vitamin B 12, zinc, and their deficiencies should be replaced in the postoperative period.
In Which Diseases Is Tube Stomach (Sleeve Gastrectomy) Surgery Used?
Sleeve gastrectomy is primarily a treatment for morbid obesity. Many diseases that accompany morbid obesity, including type 2 diabetes, benefit greatly from this surgical treatment. However, the success of bypass group surgeries is higher in cases where the main target is not obesity but type 2 diabetes.
In addition, sleeve gastrectomy surgery can be used as a transition surgery in patients with severe obesity. Gastric sleeve surgery can be used to prepare severely obese patients for bypass group surgeries.