In Which Diseases Is Gastric Sleeve Surgery Used?
Sleeve gastrectomy is primarily a treatment for morbid obesity. Many diseases that accompany morbid obesity, including type 2 diabetes, benefit greatly from this surgical treatment.

What is Gastric Sleeve Surgery?
Gastric sleeve surgery is one of the most commonly used methods in bariatric surgery.
Sleeve Gastrectomy, sleeve gastrectomy, is a surgical operation of the stomach.
it is made into a tube (pipe).

Is bleeding from the rectum always due to hemorrhoids?
Bleeding from the anus (popularly anus) can be seen in more than one disease related to this area.

Is every hardness in the breast cancer?
Although the complaint of a mass in the breast is the most common finding for breast cancers, not every hardness in the breast is cancer.

ELSA2023, ISTANBUL Congress completed in a great success.
The 16th Asia Pacific Congress of Endoscopic Laparoscopic Surgeons of Asia took place in Istanbul on 4th to 8th of October 2023 and was completed in great success.